segunda-feira, 1 de setembro de 2008

Aborted Soul

I feel dead inside.
Yesterday afternoon, my soul
was ripped from my chest.
I am really not myself.
Something has died in me,
it felt like an abortion.
There's a void in my chest.
I only wait and hope, but...
How will I bring back an
aborted soul?

I used to see beauty and bliss,
everything is gone.
I used to feel happiness and love,
everything is gone.
I used to dream, but how could I dream?
Everything is gone...
And how will I bring beauty
back into my soul?

If I see myself now, I'll cry.
If I hear certain things now, I'll cry.
I'm not who I am anymore.
I'm not alive anymore.
I have become a zombie.

Zombie as I am, in this undead life,
All that is holy hurts me,
all that is beautiful annoys me,
all that is lovely stings.

Love stings when it's not here.
Love does not lift me anymore.
Love is petrified and still.

Will I receive a Remedy?
Will I be Revivified?
Will my love be Softened back
to life?
Will I come back alive?

...Will I come back alive?

2 comentários:

Melina Savi disse...

Ai, sim! Ele tem esse efeito sobre as pessoas! Esse é o seu poema? Ele mexeu com você mesmo, hein?
E sim! Precisamos nos encontrar. Um café naquele lugar novo e charmoso no córrego grande?
Ps: a sua irmã está gostando de dar aula pro curso de cinema? grandes emoçõooes!
beijo enorme!!!

Melina Savi disse...

Anima aí, moça de franja! Always look on the bright side of life (tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu...)