domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011

And the best Writing Activities are... (Level 5)

Eu venho publicando as melhores redações dos meus alunos. A melhor redação do semestre passado está aqui. Acontece que dessa vez eu dei sorte, porque tive alunos e alunas muito inspirados e acabei por selecionar dois vencedores no nível 6... e dois vencedores no nível 5 também. Ô semestrinho abençoado!

Então vamos fazer isso meio progressivamente. Pro nível 5 eu pedi por resenhas de livros. Então vamos seguir as recomendações dos meus DearStudents!

by Mariana Appel
“Eat, Pray and Love” is a non-fiction book that is successful all over the world. This memoir describes the author´s trip to three different countries, Italy, India and Indonesia. Elizabeth was unhappy in her marriage and then she decided to divorce and travel alone. In Italy, she enjoyed the delicious Italian food and in India she found her spirituality. Finally, in Indonesia she met the man of her life. It´s a real page turner. Women love to read it. This is one of the best books that I read. Recently, Columbia pictures produced a film version under the same title with Julia Roberts. It is a good option to see with friends.

by Fabrício Saggin
Linear Systems and Signals – A Brief Review

This paper will present a brief review on the book “Linear Systems and Signals”, written by B. P. Lathi. This book is widely used by students of Electrical Engineering or Computer Science. The book is divided in ten chapters plus a background. The order of the book does not need to be followed. The organization of the chapters was made in order to provide flexibility among the chapters.

A good differential of this book is that it presents some tips of Matlab on each chapter. Matlab is a powerful software for numerical computing and system simulation. The use of a software like Matlab is essential to understand some concepts covered in the book or to solve some problems related to the domain of signals and systems.

The author presents some historical facts, some biographies and some jokes among the chapters to enrich the book and to make the reading more interesting, motivating the students. The book has a lot of solved examples and a lot of proposed problems in each chapter. Some examples are related to electric circuits or to real problems, which makes the explanation more interesting for the students. But at this point, the book also shows a weakness. The author does not present the answer of the proposed problems, because of that, the students feel discouraged to solve these problems.

In general, the book is very good as textbook or as a reference. It is highly recommended for students of Electrical Engineering or Computer Science. But if you are going to buy one, buy the original edition in English. The Portuguese version presents too many translation errors.

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